3M™ Active Safety. Smart. Connected. Personal.
You’ll be amazed at what it can do. Connect to people. Connect to places. Connect to information. Get a big picture glance at a moment’s notice. When workers and their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are connected, you can focus on people, not paper. It’s time for Active Safety that’s more personal.
Simple, connected components are designed to get your Active Safety program up and running quickly. Using 3M™ Active Safety, you can now identify trends and spot risks. Reduce paperwork. Be audit ready. Help keep people healthy and safe.
Start with an RFID tag
Attach to PPE
Scan and connect
• Quickly access equipment history, usage, location and upcoming events
• Assign PPE and access employee training and fitting information
• Utilize automated analysis to help streamline your process
• Use it with your existing PPE
• Access information any time, any place
• Be aware of issues that can help identify potential health and safety concerns
• Document PPE usage to help lower risk more easily
• Keep your workforce up to date on compliance
• Cloud-based for simple deployment and access anywhere
• Instantly connect to data across multiple locations
• Intuitive dashboard for easy use
"We have a huge opportunity to use information on time, which improves productivity — making us a leader in the mining industry. With 3M™ Active Safety, workers are really protected."
Works with your existing PPE.
Create your own on-the-spot paperless safety checklist.
Cloud-based software updates automatically.
Easy access to PPE audits, data and trends.