Respiratory Protection for Collision Repair work

  • To always ensure a sufficient amount of oxygen being available for vital bodily functions, our body needs to regularly get fresh air. When preparing for painting and during paint/ filler / primer application, our body is exposed to potentially harmful substances that may impair our respiration and lung function.


    Respiration - our most important body function - needs to be protected against

    • Particles - like dust ("P-Filter")
    • Fumes like VOCs / solvent fumes - ("A-filter")
    • Paint overspray - A2P2 - Filter combination

Particles like dust or certain liquid substances can be filtered from the air by particles masks. Fumes and gases are filtered with the help of active carbon.

Particle filter masks are classified by their absorption volume and grade - classes between P1 - P3, whereas P3 is the highest protection level.

Active carbon filters are also classified like this, though only into 2-A classes, whereas A2 is the highest.

A typical filter for paint spray taks is A2P2 as you will encounter particle and fumes at the same time.

Keep in mind: Key is to change your filter for your respiratory equipment regularly - a saturated filter can't work and protect you!

Particles filters make it more difficult to breathe through them when they load up. For active carbon filters, it is a good guide to change them latest after 40 hours of use. It is not perceivable when these filters are "clogged" up.

Always check individually with your country and work shop guidelines for your individual selection - the following is only a rough guide. Always also make sure you follow any respiratory protection instructions or directions for use

  • For brief sanding tasks with non-toxic dust
  • For standard sanding or welding tasks (possibly with added ozone-protection!)
  • For tasks with high dust concentration, also limited toxic dusts. If in doubt, wear full protection with external fresh air supply.